Frymaster RE114 Electric Deep Fryer Single Pan 25lt Capacity

Frymaster RE114 Electric Deep Fryer Single Pan 25lt Capacity

Frymaster RE114 Electric Deep Fryer Single Pan 25lt Capacity

Model Number: RE114
Brand: Frymaster
Dimensions: 396mm Wide x 786mm Deep x 1149mm High


  • 25L full pot capacity, electric model
  • Comes standard with baskets, stainless steel door, enamel cabinet, stainless steel legs and cover
  • 14kW energy rating and ASTM ratings of less than 83%
  • Digital controller with 1° compensating temperature probe
  • Deep cold zone, 32mm IPS ball-type drain valve
    1. Industry leading energy efficiency for dramatically reduced running costs
    2. Easy to clean electric elements have low watt density for increased reliability and extended life
    3. Centreline thermostat ensures a uniformly cooked product everytime
    4. 1 accurate thermostat anticipates rapid rate of temperature rise, reducing temperature overshoot
    5. The perfect solution for outlets wanting the best in class electric fryer the industry has on offer
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